Environmental protection and reduction of the footprint of industrial activities have always been at the heart of the Group’s policies, starting with the production of energy from renewable sources, up to the systematic reduction of waste through the recycling of all materials used in its plants.
In 2006, SBE-VARVIT launched a multi-year plan to reduce its CO2 emissions and installed an ever-increasing number of photovoltaic panels over its production units, reaching an installed power capacity of 4MW divided as follows in 2015: 2.5 MW in Monfalcone, 500 kW in Reggio Emilia, 300 kW in Turin, 300 kW in Milan, 300 kW in Tolmezzo.
Thanks to these photovoltaic systems, SBE-VARVIT produces a significant part of its electricity needs through renewable sources.

The Monfalcone and Milan plants are also equipped with methane cogeneration systems, which allow for further savings in terms of emissions, thanks to heat recovery and a consequent increase in overall energy efficiency.
From 2007 to 2018, thanks to these investments, the Group has been able to decrease the CO2 / tons of product ratio, reaching the record of 21,000 tons of CO2 not emitted out of 78,000 tons of manufactured product in 2021.
To further reduce the environmental impact of industrial activities, the Group undertook a waste reduction plan
in 2010, through a series of important investments which allowed after 7 years to more than halve the quantity
of waste disposed of, despite the significant production increase registered over the same period of time.
In this way, not ony SBE-VARVIT has achieved an important environmental goal, but at the same time the Group
has significantly increased its efficiency and competitiveness.
For SBE-VARVIT, respect for the environment and economic efficiency have never been antithetical, but absolutely complementary.
SBE-VARVIT is aware that the protection of the health and safety of workers are primary and indispensable elements for the development and competitiveness of the company.
This is the reason that prompted the Group to invest heavily in production plants and staff training, not only in order to reduce accidents but also to strengthen a shared operational and productive culture of safety through a proactive attitude.
The commitment of SBE-VARVIT in the field of the environment and health and safety at work is witnessed by the maintenance of UNI EN ISO 14001 and UNI ISO 45001 certifications, by the adoption of a Organizational model, Management and Control Model pursuant to corporate Legislative Decree n. 231/ 01 and the appointment of a Supervisory Board